Word Numbers

Our telephone answering service comes with a range of features which you can tailor to fit the needs and expectations of all of your callers.

Word Numbers

Use Word Numbers to help your business to build a broader reach and more cohesive brand message as well as create memorable contact numbers that customers can easily recall when they need you. Word Numbers are premium 13 Number, 1300 Number and 1800 Number options which act as national inbound customer service numbers.

Effective word numbers use a key industry term or name of your brand that clearly connects your business with what your customer needs. When your customer has a need for your products or your service, they can recall the word you have chosen and then key in your number based on the corresponding letters in a standard alphanumeric keypad.

How to Word Numbers work?

Word Numbers are recognisable words which also translate to numbers on a standard alphanumeric keypad. For example, if your business is a national cleaning company and you want to help your customers remember to call you when they need a cleaner, then you might choose something like 1300 CLEANS, using a national 1300 number prefix. If your business is a mobile phone repair company then you might select something like 13 FIXT, using a premium 13 number prefix.

The key is to choose words or phrases which relate to your business, your offerings or your industry to create memorable pathways in the minds of your customers. In this way, they recall your business before any other business. It’s a cost-effective way of boosting your brand profile that doesn’t increase demand on your resourcing when you pair it with our range of call centre services too.

1300 Panda

1300 72632

1800 Beauty

1800 232889

13 Bus

13 28964

Why should businesses use Word Numbers?

There are a range of benefits your business gets by choosing Word Numbers over the usual business contact number options.

Leave your customers with a lasting impression

Not only are you more memorable in your target markets but you can also time advertising and marketing campaigns with the launch of your new number to boost your profile even more. Save money on future marketing materials but not having to update your company contact details.


Entirely Toll Free

Using phone words along with a premium 1800 number offers your customers complete call savings every time they call your number from within Australia because 1800 numbers are toll free. Customers are more inclined to call a toll free number because they can appreciate the immediate service and savings options that your business offers them.

How to get Word Numbers?

We can help you set up your new word numbers or seamlessly transfer your existing number from your other, more expensive and less flexible, providers. Flexibility and cost-effectiveness are the two most important services that we offer. Every product and solution available from our call centre services is scalable and customisable offering you the highest levels of efficiency for the lowest possible cost.

Along with word numbers and other easy to remember business contact options, we all offer a host of other specialist answering services. Our locally based call centres are available 24/7 to not only provide you with direct business client support but also to capture your after hours or overflow calls as well. Our phone messaging service is the most basic service offering we have and will ensure that a call is never missed. Our customer service professionals will accurately take down the details of every call and then forward messages directly to you via SMS or email, whichever you prefer.

As part of our service, you also receive in-depth and relevant call reporting. Using our call tracking software, we deliver extensive reports on your customer journeys that you can use to glean relevant and useful information relating to your service personnel, your media and marketing campaigns as well as your performance in particular markets. For example, release your word numbers as part of a new branding strategy and enjoy access to relevant and insightful data detailing the effectiveness of your new strategy as well as how your brand is trending and which markets to target.

Call reporting from Fonebox is comprehensive, easy to understand and immediately adds value to your business. Track every customer journey to identify how and when your customers are more likely to convert on sales or even choose to outsource all of your customer services needs to our locally based Australian phone agent team. We’ll answer all of your calls using scripts that you provide and can easily customise. We can process sales and even book appointments for your business in real time using our intuitive, easy and powerful integration solutions.

While word numbers and national inbound telephone numbers are ideal for businesses looking to develop national awareness of their brand, you might also want to keep in touch with local markets and customers. Fonebox can also create or port over your existing virtual phone number that has the area code you need to attract local markets and seamlessly forwards all of their calls through to the contact that you designate, wherever they are really located.

Why Fonebox?

We’re much more than just a partner. We become part of your organisation.
Think of us as your inbound communications division.

Circle-powerCreated with Sketch.

Over 10 years powering Australia's
biggest companies

Circle-AustraliaCreated with Sketch.

100% Australian owned with
offices in Sydney, Brisbane,
Melbourne and Auckland

Circle-handshakeCreated with Sketch.

An Over the Wire ASX-listed

Contact a consultant
today for more

Our expert team of telco geniuses are ready and waiting to design a complete telco solution for your business at the lowest possible cost. If you’ve been told by another provider that what you’re looking for is impossible then switch to Fonebox and let us deliver what you need for you.

Let our experts and creative account managers create custom solutions for your business like word numbers that really work. Increase your brand awareness, develop stronger and more meaningful engagement with your customers, and save your business money. 

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